One Swell Day Workshop

Leesburg Virginia Photography WorkshopEvery year I try to attend at least one photography workshop or educational seminar or class or something to keep the inspiration flowing and the knowledge developing. In March I road tripped down to Leesburg, Va., for Rebekah J. Murray's One Swell Day workshop. I've followed Rebekah's work for awhile now, and her photos are just magical. There's no other word to describe them. (Check them out for yourself!) She is such an inspirational photographer, and I knew that by attending her workshop I would find some renewed energy surrounding my own work and brand and business.

That was a good hunch because Rebekah is just as inspiring a person as she is a photographer. Everything about One Swell Day was positive and calming (there were only eight of us attendees, which was SO nice for an introvert like myself; I love personal and intimate gatherings), and from the very first thing Rebekah said--"You should do this however you want"--I knew it was going to be a fantastic experience.

Leesburg Virginia Photography Workshop I drove to Leesburg by myself (which was refreshing in and of itself!) and arrived just in time for a delicious dinner at Clyde's, plus a photo critique and discussion about our StrengthsFinder assessment results that we tackled before we arrived. Let me tell you, photo critiques are super helpful! I learned things about my shooting style and my brand that hadn't even occurred to me because I was so enmeshed in keeping up with everything. I highly recommend trying it out if you're a photographer. (I'd love to do/have another critique, and I'd be happy to trade with people if anyone's interested. E-mail me at!)

That realization, along with the things I learned about my strengths, were totally worth attending the workshop as it was. And that was only the first night!

Leesburg Virginia Photography Workshop The next day, after a night of girl/photog talk with my roomie, Shalese (she was super nice to provide a few of the photos you see here!), we dove in to everything creative + business-oriented. Some of my biggest takeaways? That I need to set aside time to be creative just because. Cultivating that side of my brain even more will help me be a better photographer. That I need to focus on my strengths instead of my weaknesses. I'm always trying to turn my weaknesses into my strengths, but it makes much more sense to spend my energy on things I'm good at and will get return on! I think I'll have to remind myself of this every day for the rest of my life. That I need to continue to surround myself with like-minded people. Every time I attend a workshop (Making Things Happen, Unshop), I'm left refreshed and empowered knowing there are other people out there like me, who get how hard running a business can be and want to cheer you on each time you reach a little milestone. One Swell Day was another empowering experience for me, and I drove back to Cleveland ready to tackle this 2015 season with gusto.

Leesburg Virginia Photography Workshop A HUGE thanks to all the awesome people that made the workshop happen: Rebekah (obviously) A Daily Something Skipper Films The Virginia Artisans Events in the City United with Love Rust Manor House Bonnie Sen Photography Victoria Louise Photography

(Photos by Shalese Danielle Photography and my trusty iPhone)

Leesburg Virginia Photography Workshop

2014 Client Holiday Gifts

Client GiftsAround October last year, I started brainstorming wedding client gifts. Scribbles in my notebook and lots of time wandering around Anthropologie finally had me deciding on personalized mugs + my mom's toffee (that my family is just about obsessed with, especially around the holidays!). I always like to share a little piece of my life with my fantastic clients and this was the perfect way to say thank you.

Plus, if I'm being completely honest, I was craving some toffee myself and knew I could eat the leftovers. There, I said it.

I know you'll want the recipe after checking out these photos, so I'm just gonna go ahead and give it to you now. You are so very welcome!

My Mom’s Mouth-Watering Toffee

1 cup pecans, chopped ¾ cup brown sugar, packed ½ cup buttuer 4 ½ ounces semisweet chocolate chips

Butter square pan or dish (9x9x2 inches). Spread pecans in pan. Heat sugar and butter to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, 7 minutes (This is important because it’s what makes the toffee hard. It will go through lots of different consistencies … stick with it!). Immediately spread mix evenly over nuts in pan. Sprinkle chocolate pieces over hot mixture; place baking sheet over pan so contained heat will melt chocolate. Spread melted chocolate over toffee. While hot, cut in squares OR break it by hand after it’s set. Chill until firm. Eat. Again and again.

Client Gifts Client Gifts Thank you to Rachelle Sartini Garner who, once again, created the most perfect card …accordion style this year!

Client Gifts Client Gifts

Thoughts on the New Year

New Years Resolutions I had every intention of posting this yesterday, but then I got sick on New Year's Eve. Womp womp. I was really bummed that I was starting off 2015 quarantined in my bedroom (I was going to work out! I was going to blog! I was going to start off the new year on the right foot!) but then I realized that it was the perfect reminder that I can't control everything. I need to show myself as much grace as God does and, darn it, I'm determined to cut myself some slack this year!

For some time now, 2015 has seemed like a mile marker. This is the year I will turn 30 and I can feel that sense of time marching on. I've really loved my 20s (the best college years, living in Europe, an extremely loving family, loyal friends, truly experiencing independence post-college, marriage, our first home, business success, a cute cat ... SO many blessings) and for the first time, I'm a little unsure of what's ahead. I know age is just a number, but that number—and getting older really—makes me nervous.

Nathan and I have talked a lot about where we're at right now. We've decided we're in between. We still feel young but we're way past college. We see lots of friends starting families but we're not quite there yet. Our careers are moving along but we still feel like we have lots to learn. It's this in between that makes me feel slightly unsettled, grasping for something concrete and less lonely.

The past few years I've thrown myself into my business, taking on as much work as I possibly can. That caught up with me last year when I realized my work-life balance was completely off. While I love my work and feel purposeful doing it, it is still work and everyone needs a break from work now and then, right? I realized that sometimes it means more to do less.

This year's balance was better—even Nathan agreed—but there were still late nights and weeks without a break and being too busy to catch up with this friend and that family member. My wake-up call (if you could call it that) came at the end of the year when I sat up panicked in bed one night realizing that I'd completely forgotten one of my best friend's birthdays. That's not me. I value my friends, and I love to keep up with them and celebrate their milestones. Thankfully, my friend is the most gracious person on the planet and she quickly forgave me.

But ... that doesn't make it OK. I knew I needed bigger changes. I needed to ensure that I was giving the best of me at work and at home.

So, I decided to take fewer weddings in 2015. 25% less, in fact. I want to serve my clients well—SO well—and having a smaller client base will allow me to do this on an even more personal level. Remember that whole more with less thing? I've never been interested in expanding and growing my business with lots of employees until we're bursting at the seams. I want to offer a personal, relationship-based service that means something ... to the client and to me. Taking fewer weddings also means I have more time for the things that matter the most: Nathan, my family, my friends, my health, creating memories.

I discovered that I need more focused work time. When I listen to music while I work? I'm a machine. When I watch Netflix while I work? It takes me twice as long to get something done. After attending Making Things Happen I realized that I could be about 1,045% more productive with work if I just sat down and No messing around with my laptop, no checking my phone every 10 minutes. Eliminating distractions during work hours means I get more meaningful personal time later. It's taken me ten months, but I think I finally understand.

We've planned fun trips and activities throughout 2015 to keep ourselves energized at work. As I get older, I realize that stuff—consumerism—doesn't matter to me as much as it used to. Don't get me wrong, I still struggle with wanting, wanting, wanting, but it's the experiences that mean more to me at this stage of my life. I would go without shopping if it meant I could see a new part of the world and make memories with Nathan. I know that taking a purposeful, distraction-free break each week is crucial to me giving my very best during my "on" hours.

So what does all this mean? It means that I'm still striving to find balance, and I know I'll be working to find it for the next year, 5 years and probably 25 years. I don't have it all together. I know I'm going to fail. That's just human nature. But I hope that each time I regroup and start again, I learn a little bit more and start the teensiest bit ahead of my last reset.

It's a constant struggle: the need for perfection vs. the urge for something deeper and more meaningful. This year I will let go of this illusion of perfection and all that comes with it. I will move toward what's meaningful, even if it's not as shiny and colorful on the surface.

In light of these thoughts, my January goals are simple. And I want to hear from you: What are your thoughts on the new year? Did you set resolutions or do something different? Do you struggle with the need for perfection? How do you focus on what matters most?

Thanks for reading, friends! Today and all the other days. You make my life more meaningful!

January Goals

Handwrite and mail four letters/cards to people I love Update my new address book Finish The Goldfinch + read two more books (Me Talk Pretty One Day and Mere Christianity) Attempt skiing once again (and maybe try to improve upon my speed/skill) Complete a mentoring session with a photographer I admire Update my website galleries Start work on a new client guide Start a new personal photography project (more coming soon!)

2014 | Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes wedding photographyWedding photographers take thousands upon thousands of photos in a season. Not surprisingly, we get lots of outtakes … and lots of those are of ourselves. This blog post is one of my favorites of the year because it shows how hard we work and also how unglamorous this job can be. We don't take ourselves too seriously around here. :)

Behind the scenes wedding photography "Are you ready? Can I let it go? … Are you ready now?" 

Behind the scenes wedding photography Love this girl. Emily joined me for a couple weddings in 2014 (even though 2013 was technically her last season with me).

Behind the scenes wedding photography Photographers should know how to attach boutonnieres. End of story.

Behind the scenes wedding photography This might be my favorite moment from 2014. That time I scoped out a location and then found a dumpster in front of it when it was time to shoot. I moved that dumpster, you guys. Thanks to Jeni for capturing the proof.

Behind the scenes wedding photography My poor second shooters. I put them through the ringer when it comes to testing light. There's lots more where these came from. ;)

Behind the scenes wedding photography Blending in with the wedding party. Ish.

Behind the scenes wedding photography Markie and Caitlin have picked up Emily's knack for acting out the would-be scene. So proud of them.

Behind the scenes wedding photography Where's Samantha?

Behind the scenes wedding photography OK, maybe THIS is my favorite moment from 2014. Tracey's dad, Mark, is the nicest father of the bride ever!

Behind the scenes wedding photography Haha, that one up there on the left makes me laugh. Hi Doug!

Behind the scenes wedding photography I didn't realize how much pointing I did until I looked at these photos. I can be so bossy sometimes.

Behind the scenes wedding photography Behind the scenes wedding photography Nathan is usually a little more reserved when we're not shooting with friends.

Behind the scenes wedding photography Behind the scenes wedding photography Behind the scenes wedding photography Look at Samantha, taking after all my other second shooters. :D

Behind the scenes wedding photography It's official. Caitlin is way too cool for school. Papa-paparazzi!

Behind the scenes wedding photography Sorry, Anthony. I'll give you a plug though: Check out this guy at Blue Tie Cinema! He knows his stuff.

Behind the scenes wedding photography A lot of wedding photography is hurry up and wait. Caitlin waits like a boss.

Behind the scenes wedding photography A little shout out to Matt, Nathan's photobooth assistant! He's the most hardworking and courteous guy you've ever met. We're lucky to call him a friend!

Behind the scenes wedding photography Jeni lights up a room. (And a sidewalk.)

Behind the scenes wedding photography Behind the scenes wedding photography "And this is how you cut the cake."

Behind the scenes wedding photography Behind the scenes wedding photography So thankful for this girl's friendship!

Behind the scenes wedding photography Yes. Yes, you are in my shot.

Behind the scenes wedding photography Like I said, Jeni lights up a room. Everyone loves her, including me!

Behind the scenes wedding photography Hey ladies, remember when it was hailing and we still took portraits outside?! Yeah, I won't ever forget that either. THANKS FOR BEING AWESOME!

Behind the scenes wedding photography And we'll end with a few of my faves from the photobooth ...

Behind the scenes wedding photography From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of my clients, second shooters and friends that made this year as great as it was. Here's to 2015!