Fab Five Fridays: Tropical Dream Vacations

Nathan and I love talking about future vacations we may or may not take. I have a running list of places I'd like to visit, and it's so fun to dream about those trips ... especially when it's February in Ohio. Even though I can now see the grass in front of our house, I'm still dreaming of a fabulously relaxing and WARM vacation. Here are the top five tropical spots on my list: MatangiResort

Matangi Island, Fiji

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia


Santorini, Greece

maui hawaii

Maui, Hawaii

Bora Bora

Bora Bora

Photo credits: Fiji.meSaint Lucia Now | Royal Carribean | Vacation Moves | Kiwi Collection

Have you visited any of these spots? What did you think? What tropical vacations do you daydream about?