August Goals

Hello, August! :)

July was a bit crazy, what with getting back into shooting and being a work-from-home mom to Nolan. I don't think I totally realized what I was getting myself into when I booked everything for July post-maternity leave. The good news is that I've learned lots of things along the way and I suppose that's the most important thing!

  1. I've learned that babies get a heck of a lot easier between 3-4 months. I'm sure it's different with each baby but we seemed to hit our stride with Nolan in July. Read: He started sleeping a LOT better. ;)
  2. No matter how much you think you can get done during nap time, it's never quite enough. We have two days of childcare starting at the end of August and as much as I'm dreading Nolan not being under our roof those two days, I know it's for the best. I'm hoping I can be more mentally present on the days that he IS here. And I hope I can manage to cook dinner again!
  3. I'm a much more pleasant person when I strategically book sessions and weddings. Now if I can continue to remember this ... :)

Here's to a fun and productive last full month of summer! What's on your bucket list for August?

August Goals

  • Finish Lab Girl by Hope Jahren and read It's Not About Perfect by Shannon Miller
  • Blog four times (I WILL get back to blogging one of these days!)
  • Update tax document
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Take Nolan to the pool one more time!
Cleveland Baby Photographer

August Goals

Norris Lake Tennessee Oh, blog readers. I've missed connecting with all of you. I have lots of blog posts written in my head, but the season has been so busy that weddings and portrait sessions are all I have time to share. Soon, SOON I will be back to my regular schedule with a mix of  professional and personal posts. I am a writer by study, and I really do miss using this little blog as a space to share my thoughts.

This busy season has been one of incredible growth and lots of learning. Now that I'm well past my halfway mark with 2013 weddings, I'm already starting to think about what I can accomplish in my slow season to make next year the best one yet! But ... I've still got lots of great things coming up in the next couple months, and my main goal this August is to focus on enjoying this season of life.


  1. Shoot four fabulous August weddings and stick to a three-week turnaround on each.
  2. Submit at least two weddings for feature.
  3. Get caught up with vendor discs.
  4. Blog every weekday.


  1. Read two books (7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, The Peach Keeper).
  2. Start working on our living room (yay!).
  3. Go off the grid for one week and focus on making the most of a vacation.
  4. Work out five times a week with varied types of workouts (run, gym, Insanity).
  5. Start making notes and doing research on a new website and rebrand. (!!!)