Beautiful Business Cards and Packaging

Since I started photography, every time someone asked for one of my business cards, I'd sheepishly hand over a homemade one. They didn't have smooth edges or sharp text and I longed for professionally made cards. One of the first pieces of advice Amanda gave me was always pay cash to further your business. If you don't have the money for a new lens, wait until you do. If you can't justify new business cards exactly when you want them, you'll have to be patient.

Well, guys, my patient(ish) waiting is over! I'm so excited to unveil my beautiful business cards and packaging (yes, that means NO more Jewel Cases!) from the lovely Kraft and Jute. Each of the pieces I'm about to show you fits my brand perfectly ... lots of burlap and kraft paper! Can't wait to start using these. :)

Photography Packaging Photography Packaging Photography Packaging Photography Packaging Photography Packaging Photography Packaging