Is there anything cuter than babies eating cake with their hands? The answer is no, not many things are cuter. I got to photograph a little boy's 1-year-old birthday party this last weekend, complete with a cake smash. Miles, however, wasn't all about using his hands as utensils. In fact, he hated being messy. I love this series of cake-smash photos because it leaves no question as to how it went down. But hey, maybe it means he'll keep his room clean when he gets older. :)
He was not OK with that icing on his finger. But he quickly realized that cake tastes good ...
He ate it so gingerly.
But even though cake tastes good, it didn't outweigh the fact that his hands were slimy.
I might be a little biased, but I think Baby Owen is the cutest 8-month old that ever lived. His parents are my friends from college so I'm allowed to say that, I think. :) I got to stay at their house last weekend while I shot a wedding in Cincinnati, and I was blown away by how much Owen has grown up since his newborn days, and even since December when I saw him last. This trip it hit me just how short of a time babies are babies. Owen is growing into his own and is looking more and more like a boy every day.
And let me just tell you, this kid's parents are so fantastic. Owen is such a happy baby and I think that's a testament to how great Nicole and Kelby are with him. Kelby can get this little guy to laugh like you've never seen. And Nicole has this calming presence that's a perfect compliment.
Thanks, you guys, for letting me be Owen's photographer and always opening your door when I'm in town. Love you three!
I cannot take the cuteness of those little jeans. That's a beaver, people. A beaver with glasses!
He loves that ball. That picture down there just CRACKS me up. He's all, Hey guys, just hanging out on my ball!
Leah and Matt are expecting their very first baby in just a few short months. Already, the pregnancy has tested them, but I know they feel like they have made it through the biggest hurdle and are just so ready to meet this little one. Leah is a super talented photographer herself, so when she asked me to document this important moment in their little family's life, I was really humbled ... and really nervous. :)
It was snowing like crazy (yes, this is March in Ohio) on my way to their house and I was shaking my fist at Mother Nature all the way. I have to say though, I love the combination of light snow and lovely light in these photos. And I think it's especially awesome because their baby will be born in the most likely sweltering heat of July. Now they have a contrast between the two!
Leah and Matt, THANK YOU for inviting me into your home to capture this moment. I really don't know how to use any other words to express how lucky I feel!
They used to cupcake with colored frosting in the center to find out if they were having a boy or girl. It took quite a few bites to get the news ... :)
Leah said she was pretty sure she was having a boy before the reveal, but I still think the moment was pretty sweet when they found out 100%.
Love those quiet ones up there.
I'm pretty sure there's a sunbeam shining right down on Miles' name ...
Again, I'm envious of my client's hair. Look how pretty and red and curly Leah's hair is!
This was kind of a surreal session for me. Ashley, Luke's mom, and I graduated from high school together. We're all growing up! Or grown up? I can't believe everyone is having babies. It's like we're coming full circle.
Baby Luke is Ashley and Adam's first born, and he is so sweet and so advanced for his 1-week-old age! At the beginning of the session, when Ashley was looking for something to change him into, he was a little fussy because he was cold, and out of nowhere ... he rolled over! You guys. We both saw it. I swear it's true! If he becomes an Olympic athlete one day, I'm going to claim royalties on these photos. ;)
Enjoy this little acrobat and his cool nursery!
I loved all the surfer details throughout his nursery. So unique! And those swim trunks. Ohhhhmygoodness. They're so tiny!